I love my tail but Springer Spaniels usually have their tails docked. In my opinion, it is unnecessary mutilation! Snoop has injured his front paw twice but not his tail. Does this mean he should have his leg amputated? Of course not! Yes, injuries happen and sometimes they are serious and require amputation but it is not necessary to do preventative amputation. Why are some dogs allowed to keep their tails and others are not. What is the difference between a Springer Spaniel and a Labrador Retriever? I believe it is cosmetic surgery and thankfully the current trend is to ban the practice. There are bans in many countries but not Canada or the United States. I have heard that Canada has decided against banning the practice unless the United States bans it because of the border would make it hard to enforce. I would love to see a ban. Recently there was a story about a Rottie X that had his ears brutally cropped. It makes me cringe at the horror he must have gone through. I send my thoughts on a speedy recovery and that he finds a wonderful home.
Story in the Globe and Mail on docking and cropping:
Anti-docking Alliance http://anti-dockingalliance.co.uk
WSAVA Position on Tail Docking http://www.wsava.org/Taildock.htm
Advocates for Animals http://www.advocatesforanimals.org/pdf/Whythetail-dockingofdogsshouldbeprohibited.pdf
The other side of the debate although I'm still not convinced.
Council of Docked Tails http://www.cdb.org/index.htm
Hi Lily!
Welcome to Dogs with Blogs. I'm from New Brunswick and a rescue too.
I heard about AK in the Globe and mom was crying so hard that she called the Windsor Humane Society to find out what could be done so AK didn't go back to that horrible owner. She talked to the officer in charge who told mom that the owner had surrendered AK, thank goodness. Mom sent some money to help AK but I guess there was people from all over North America who called and sent in gifts and toys which was great. I hope he finds a good home.
Mom told the officer that in this case former owner should have the same thing done to him, but very slowly. Mom understood from the officer that this man was a bit "deranged". He should never be allowed to own so much as a cockroach.
He should be put behind bars for 10 years like they do in Louisiana!
My mom is still so upset with this story.
Come visit my site when you have a chance.
BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)
I totally agree! No more docking tails!
thx for your concerns about me im out of hospital and a bit better i have some protien problem or sumfin im on special diet dry food twice a day nothing else! but its for my own good. its very sad about that rottie x having his ears croped im a rottie x and i love my floppy ears
lots of barks charlotte
Hi Lily!!!
I am an English Springer Spanial, and yes my tail is docked. I feel fine with that, because thats how my breed has looked for many years. If you have ever seen an English Springer Spanial with a "regular" tail it looks very ugly. Plus thats our signiture look.
And just so sparky knows, the breeder that i came from docked my tail the humane way. The humane way would be by having professnal sugary.
Mocha the English Springer Spanial
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